Sam Herschel Wein
(pronouns: he/they)
is a lollygagging plum of a poet who specializes in perpetual frolicking. They have an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Tennessee and were the recipient of a 2022 Pushcart Prize. They have published three chapbooks, most recently Butt Stuff Flower Bush with Porkbelly Press. He co-founded and edits Underblong. Recent poems can be found in the American Poetry Review, The Cincinnati Review, and Shenandoah, among others. They can be found in the cheese aisle of most stores, in the middle of a hug, or editing poems at your local coffee shop.
Butt Stuff Flower Bush!!!!
Hello friends! My third chapbook of poems, Butt Stuff Flower Bush, is now available for purchase from Porkbelly Press! Check out the link below to see this photo once again plus a link to purchase this sexy little book! I will say, the packaging is unbelievably gorgeous, it might knock your very socks right off!!
Want to reach out for collaboration, bookings, or to share in general merriment? Email Sam today at samherschelwein@gmail.com
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(Posts may include queer longing, radical politics, v tender friendship, bicycles, neighbors, Chicago foods, Scorpio feelings, and butts.)